Jquery datepickers to and from date

I was recently using 2 date pickers to allow the user to select a date range and was in need of a dynamic date-restriction function. Here it is:

``` {.js name=”code”} $(‘.datePicker’).datepicker({ dateFormat:”dd-mm-yy”, showAnim:”show”, beforeShow: customRange });

<%-- the toDate can only select dates after the fromDate (and vice-versa) --%>
function customRange(a) {
    var b = new Date();             
    var c = new Date();
    c.setFullYear(0001, 01, 01);
    if ($(a).hasClass('toDate')) {
        d = $('.fromDate').datepicker('getDate');  
        if ( d != null) {
            c = d;                  
    else if($(a).hasClass('fromDate')){
        d = $('.toDate').datepicker('getDate');
        if ( d != null) {
            c = d;                  
        return {
            maxDate: c
    return {
        minDate: c,
        maxDate: b
} ```

and the html:

``` {.js name=”code”}
