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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

Just a quick one that I forgot to note down. If you want to count rows using a hibernate query, here is the bit of magic that you need. return (Number) session.createCriteria(Bananas.class).setProjection(Projections.rowCount()).uniqueResult();  

getWebView().setWebViewClient(new TwitterOAuthWebViewClient());I have been using the excellent Spring Android for interaction with an api for an app I am developing at work. The spring-android-showcase project has been excellent in helping me breeze through development. I easily implemented Facebook connections using the FacebookWebOAuthActivity One issue I found when implementing the TwitterWebOAuthActivity was that...

I got this tip from a wonderful presentation by Eric Burke of square but it works so well I needed to share it. Android has no standard depressed animation for ImageButton’s so it requires a bit of hacking around to get a similar effect. This can also be used to...

I was recently running a webapp on tomcat that needed to run on port 80 for the links to work. This isn’t easy in osx as port 80 is already being used by other things. The simplest way was to start tomcat on port 8080 (default) and set up forwarding...