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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

I recently started using tmux on my macbook which lets me setup workspaces for different projects. One of these projects requires postgres to be running. I use the fantastic for mac which takes away all the faff of installing postgres yourself. They have a set of instructions for installing...

You’re probably already aware of marketplace businesses that aggregate products from multiple sellers to provide consumers with a single place to get the best product/price (think, Amazon or Uber). There are some very successful marketplaces but it is notoriously hard to start one. For one, you have to run...

Does this scenario sound familiar? You recently implemented a feature. Everything works perfectly, you ironed out a couple of little bugs and had great test coverage and were very happy with the code architecture. Now another developer comes along with a monster PR that rewrites it all. You check out...

I’ve been using Value objects a lot recently. Especially as I’ve been working with DDD. Lombok provides a convenient annotation to avoid writing lots of boilerplate code for Value object classes. The annotation will make the class final, add a constructor that takes all the arguments and make each field...

The old switch-a-roo There’s nothing more frustrating than finishing work on your feature only for Product to move the goal posts right? “The feature needs to do these 3 extra things now” or “we just realised that part won’t work” are dreaded words to developers. We just spent hours coding...