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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

I had to reinstall ubuntu because I messed around with it too much.Just a quick note to document installing the driver for my ATI radeon 9200se graphics cardInstructions here  

I have just managed to get DVD”s to play in Ubuntu after a lot of googling and these tutorials (here and here).Here goes: Run the following in the Terminal {.js name="code"} sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list ``` {.js name=”code”} sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update...

I have recently installed ubuntu 10.04 on my 7 year old pc to give it some new life as a media server(more blogs on the installation soon hopefully).One of the problems I had to overcome during the installation was installing my pci wifi card from D-Link.After some googling, I managed...

I am using as a host for this site (because it is free and gives my php and myql).Hopefully one day I will actually be able to afford to get some real hosting but this will do for now. I have had no problems with it at all fingers...

This is something that frustrated me for a long time. Open Office Impress is powerful and importantly free but it is not the most user-friendly software. These tips were found on nevil jose’s blog. 1) Go to Format / Area (Yes, believe me! We start going to “Format Area” )...