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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

I’ve been on quite a few budget flights this year which has given me the opportunity to pick a few hints and tricks to make the most of the experience. Don’t get to the airport too early. Getting there an hour before your flight is due to take off is...

coffee /ˈkɒfi/ A warm delicious alternative to hating everybody every morning forever. I’m sitting here with a warm cup of coffee, the steam wafting from the top with it’s smooth, rich scent. What makes this one better than 583 other cups of coffee the average person is going to drink...

Where it all started Here I am, sitting in a cafe in Paris eating choux pastry filled with creme patissiere, supping a coffee and I dare to call this work. It wasn’t easy to get here though. I’ve never really worked from a new city before, sure I’ve done home...

The problem I moved the infrastructure of to a new hosting provider recently. A few days after the move I received a strange email (thank you German security services). Dear Sir or Madam, MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database system commonly used as a backend for web applications. Access...

I recently attended BuildStuff for the first time thanks to my company Small Improvements. I can’t remember the last time I came back from a conference so invigorated and full of learning. I wrote a post about it over on the Small Improvements tech blog but here’s something that didn’t...