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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

Watching the TED presentation Why work doesn’t happen at work by Jason Fried, I was struck by the similarities with the office I work in (and many other offices across the world). He makes some good points about people”s productivity in “the office” but I don”t think this is a...

I recently gave a talk to the London CloudSearch User Group on Naked Wines (my employer) and our use of AWS CloudSearch. I received a great response from the guys and girls at the meetup and was pleasantly surprised with my talk. I hope to do more of this in...

The google maps v2 library for android provides some much needed features for your app such as MapFragments. There is also a new support library to provide these features to older versions of android. The problem comes when you want to include a mapview in your own custom fragment (i.e you...

Animation can be a bit of a hassle with jQuery, especially when you want to chain an animation and another action (such as removing the element from the DOM). The animation can often get missed out in the sequence of events. The key to solving this is to use jQuery’s...