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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

Just a quick post today. I was having problems refreshing a JTree and keeping the expanded paths in-tact. Instead of calling reload() on themodel i needed to be calling nodeChanged even if a node is being removed. Here is the snippet: ((DefaultTreeModel)tree.getModel()).nodeChanged(actualNode);//notify the model that the node has changed Matt  

If you have a listview and the elements get a black background when scrolling, cachecolorhint  is your saviour. Just add the following to the listview xml file android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" Here is an explanation. Matt  

I have changed my post editor to use CLEditorrather than WMeditor which had some problems when editing a post. One feature which is obviosuly really important to me is to be able to include code in pre blocks. Luckily I found this plugin at github which makes it easy to include this...

I have been working on a Spring MVC web app that needed to accept a multi-part file upload (an excel file in this case). There are plenty of examples of handling file uploads with Spring but I couldn’t find a concrete example for a web app that was using a...

I recently found myself needing to embed a velocity template in a project that was being bundled with the web app that I was developing, this meant that the template file would only be accessible from inside a jar file. I found this blog Apache Velocity - How to load...