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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

I am proud to announce the release of my very first Android app, FixtureFeed. You may have already guessed by my recent posts about troubles with uploading apps via the developer console. I wrote the app in conjunction with Hannah Suppiah (designing all the graphics). This app is our first...

I am using the netbeans android plugin for app development. I finally came to submit my app but had a lot of trouble with a ZipException when trying to digitally sign the application. After a lot of googling, here’s how to solve the problem. Switch to file view in netbeans...

When uploading my app to the Android Market, I got the following error. Market requires versionCode to be set to a positive 32-bit integer in AndroidManifest.xml To solve this, I needed to put a uses-sdk tag in my manifest.xml like: ``` {.js name=”code”} Check [here]( for the version number to...

So you have a menu bar under your website header, but wouldn”t it be cool to keep that menu bar at the top of the client’s screen even when they scroll out of view? Here’s how I solved that problem. First I have my webpage header, it has a logo...

If you want to write a file specific to your application (I am using this for object persistence) then here is a simple tutorial for reading and writing files without getting the dreaded read only filesystem exception. Writing a file (i am using on object writer but you can use...