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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

Recently I have been getting the error “application not installed” when trying to install apps to my sd card. This is just a quick post to share my solution to the problem. The Solution Plug your phone into your pc via usb cable or mount the sd card and delete...

I couldn’t find a simple, complete example of a spring social application online so I decided to post my own. The resulting app is available on google code and is an example of authenticating a user with Facebook, although a similar approach is applied to Twitter/Linkedin etc. Configuration The app is...

Amazon’s cloud drive and cloud player is an easy front end to their S3 storage solution that allows the storage and playback of music. Combined with the android app this makes a neat solution to the problem of playing your music on multiple devices. It is also cheaper than other alternatives...

So an ad network has come up with a novel idea to help android developers make money from their apps by forcing the user to upgrade to their paid version. I became aware of this when I was reading the update notes for the app APNdroid and noticed that the app...

I have been searching for a while for the best customised HorizontalScrollView  that has a snapping effect (as seen in Pulsefor example). I have finall come across one that I am happy with by  Yoni Samlan.  horizontalpager (hosted on github) is an extended ViewGroup which makes each View inside it, fill the...