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Matt Reid

Solo Entrepreneur | Lead Software Architect

So you want to create a static website (or blog) using Jekyll but don’t know how to install is on your Mac (OS X) with homebrew. The good news is it’s super simple, in fact you don’t even need homebrew for most of it. Start by installing Ruby, in a...

I’ve been using the fantastic Spring Cloud Netflix a lot recently during a project to migrate a monolith to microservices. I spent some time recently writing a set of Selenium integration tests using Sorin Costea’s excellent example project. I found myself wanting to run multiple Spring Boot microservices locally in...

As monkigras 2017 draws to a close, it firmly cements itself as my favourite conference in the software development world. James gets so many things right, that developers hate to be sold to. They need time (and beer) to mingle and converse and pure coding talks aren’t the be all...

The idea While joking around with friends, I had the idea for an espresso martini sleep calculator. The premise is, when will I be able to get to sleep given the number of espresso martinis I’ve had. This was a fun little project that I wrote in about 15 minutes...

The value hypothesis We defined the value hypothesis for Stark some time ago. We hypothesised that customers wanted a quick way to get professional interior design ideas. In fact, we proposed that customers would forgo Pinterest and pay us to get personalised design tips. MVP To validate our initial hypothesis,...